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This section is dedicated to my addiction, sorry I mean collection, what a slip-up! Can happen to the best of us....

Now in this section, I include a photo (I have not taken these photos they are from Amazon). If I can not find the game on Amazon or elsewhere I will try my best to let you know I think it is out of print.

This section is where you can also buy a copy of the game from Amazon, now I want to be clear if you do buy one from Amazon I do earn a commission but that commission is in the form of Amazon credit so I can just use it to work through my Wishlist.

Now let the games begin!!!! Oh my god, this is going to take some time to put in place.....

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A classic board game, one of my favourite games to play for a family game night with people who are just not that into board games, I call these people fools (but each to their own of course).

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Build a city and score the most victory points to win, sounds pretty easy but this game can be tricky if you do not play your cards right.

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Collect gems and use them to buy cards that will allow you to collect more gems and buy more cards which in turn will.... you get the point, you need these to earn victory points and win the game.

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Hit Z Road

Not your average zombie game, you need to survive a trip across America to survive the zombie outbreak, collect resources, bid to go first, roll to kill zombies and most of all try to survive!

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The classic war strategy game, if you have not heard of this game where the hell have you been? Either complete your objective or go for world domination!

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Star Wars: Galaxy Rebellion

In this Star Wars game, you are all playing as the rebel forces, you need to roll dice to defeat enemy points and win the row, winning the row grants you VP points you need to win the game. Long live the Empire, sorry had a cough did it sound like I wrote something then?

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Lego Creationary

Retired by Lego

Imagine Pictionary but with Lego and then you will understand this game, then imagine they did not give you enough pieces to play the game.

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Mouse Trap

I loved this game when I was a child and bought a copy in my 30's, sometimes it is best to remember something you love and keep it that way.

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Go For Broke

Retired by Parker (no longer in print)

What a strange concept for a game, you start rich and must try to lose all your money and win when you land on something you can not pay for. It is brilliant!

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Connect 4

I can love a game but with connect 4 it is something else, something beyond love. I have no idea why I enjoy this game so much but I do. You know the game what do you want me to say? Line up 4 and win? I did it, you happy?

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A: If you have not watched firefly do so now before reading anymore.
B: This game is long, can get annoying but overall it is fun, I could be biased due to my love for firefly.

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This game can be long so keep that in mind if you buy this game, next your goal is to reach the winning spot and own a talisman, it sounds easier then it is, this game is great but can be hard.

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Dust Tactics

Retired by Fantasty Flight (no longer in print)

Imagine that in 1947 we had robots in the second world war, this is what Dust is, a tabletop miniature game with a twist not to mention very simple mechanics allowing quick and easy play.

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To win this game you need to score the lowest amount of points by guessing the most obscure answers, it is a pain in the A**

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Arkham Horror

Work together or in a solo game to stop one of the Eldritch terrors from taking over Arkham. This game is a fantastic co-op game and can take a long time to play. Love it!

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Twilight Imperium

You must use diplomacy, trades, warfare and so much more in this game to win. Be the first race to score 10 points to claim the throne and rule the galaxy. This game is amazing and is a must-play!

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Gloomhaven: Jaws Of The Lion

A single or co-op game where you and your team must complete quests to finish the game.

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Forbidden Sky

You must work as a team to try and escape, you have a blueprint card you must follow and create a circuit to take off. However, there are high winds and lightning storms that can kill you.

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New Yorek 1901

Try and build the biggest skyscrappers in 1901 New York, this is how you win the game.

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A Column Of Fire

Be the first player to reach 50 points, you do this by selling goods and also winning religious wars, roll dice, and play cards to help you win. There is quite a bit to this game!

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A money drafting, item buying, merchants who own a market stall game, sounds confusing? This game sounds more complicated than it is and quite fun.

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Score the most glory points to win and you do this by actually doing everything a Viking raider would do! Raid, fight, and trade to make sure you win.

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Martians!!! Second Edition

Those pesky Martians are back and they want to conquer Earth. You and the other players are not going to allow this! Stop them!

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King Of Tokyo

Make sure you are the last monster standing in this battle royale! Roll dice and use cards to make sure you take out the other monsters before they take you out, or score 15 VP points before they do.

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You need to score 10 VP points to win, however, you need to collect resources, upgrade settlements, watch out for that bloody robber, and most of all TRADE!

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Disney Villianous

You are a Disney bad person (we ain't sexiest here) and you need to complete your objective before anyone else to win the game.

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Betrayal At House On The Hill

You all start off exploring a creepy old house and collecting items and so forth, that is until the haunt is triggered and suddenly one of you is a traitor, who will win?

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Terraforming Mars

What a game! Over the course of a number of generations, you need to terraform Mars. Score the most TR points to win the game. To end the game place all the ocean tiles, raise the temperature on Mars, and raise the oxygen level.

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Roll For Adventure

You and your team must roll dice to save the kingdom, that is literally the entire game with some rules of course!

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You must race across the landscape in your custom-built (not safe and death trap) buggy to win the game. Easy right? No, everyone is also trying to kill you.


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Magic The Gathering

Anyone who collects card games knows about MTG (Magic The Gathering) it is a simple yet complex card game where two planeswalkers must battle to win.

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Star Wars: Edge Of The Empire

Imagine a role-playing game such as D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) now imagine that it is set in the Star Wars universe and that is basically this game. You are welcome.

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Star Wars: Edge Of The Empire (rulebook)

Imagine a role-playing game such as D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) now imagine that it is set in the Star Wars universe and that is basically this game. You are welcome.

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Lucky Flip

A game where you need to remember what cards have come out, how many of certain cards, use that knowledge to place our chips to try and score points. Sounds odd but it is strangely fun!

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Rick And Morty: Anatomy Park

You are inside a homeless man trying to build the best attractions you can to score VP points. There are rules to the placement of tiles and cards and viruses that can really mess up your day. Have fun!

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Elder Sign

Another great co-op game, once again you and your team are trying to stop an eldritch terror from winning, you must work as a team and defeat the monster before all is lost. Or don't, does not affect me.

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Marvel Villainous

Basically the same game as the Disney version with new cards, new villains, and new objectives to win.

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If you told me I would play a board game based on Jaws and love it I would have kicked you. The truth is this game is brilliant and one you should play!

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Munchkin Treasure Hunt

Retired by Steve Jackson Games (no longer in print)

Have you heard of D&D Dungeons game? If so then this is the same but Munchkin instead, if not then this game is a treasure/monster fighting game at its core. But basic... Like YOUR MUM.

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Munchkin Pathfinder Deluxe

Munchkin is a monster fighting card game where you try to be the first to level up to 10. It is simple enough however people can stab you in the back and make your life hard. This version is based on the RPG game pathfinder.

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Super Munchkin

Munchkin is a monster fighting card game where you try to be the first to level up to 10. It is simple enough however people can stab you in the back and make your life hard. This version is based on super heros.

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Munchkin Apocalypse

Munchkin is a monster fighting card game where you try to be the first to level up to 10. It is simple enough however people can stab you in the back and make your life hard. This version is based on the end of the world!

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Munchkin Impossible

Munchkin is a monster fighting card game where you try to be the first to level up to 10. It is simple enough however people can stab you in the back and make your life hard. This version is based on spies.

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Munchkin Impossible

Munchkin is a monster fighting card game where you try to be the first to level up to 10. It is simple enough however people can stab you in the back and make your life hard. This version is based on spies.

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Munchkin is a monster fighting card game where you try to be the first to level up to 10. It is simple enough however people can stab you in the back and make your life hard.

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Burn In Hell

Munchkin is a monster fighting card game where you try to be the first to level up to 10. It is simple enough however people can stab you in the back and make your life hard.

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Lego Heroica Nathuz

Retired by Lego (no longer in print)

In the Lego Heroica games, you basically build the game board and then roll to see how far you move, roll to fight monsters, and try to complete the goal before the other players, they also merge to make one giant board!

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Lego Heroica Waldurk

Retired by Lego (no longer in print)

In the Lego Heroica games, you basically build the game board and then roll to see how far you move, roll to fight monsters, and try to complete the goal before the other players, they also merge to make one giant board!

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Lego Heroica Draida

Retired by Lego (no longer in print)

In the Lego Heroica games, you basically build the game board and then roll to see how far you move, roll to fight monsters, and try to complete the goal before the other players, they also merge to make one giant board!

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Lego Heroica Fortaan

Retired by Lego (no longer in print)

In the Lego Heroica games, you basically build the game board and then roll to see how far you move, roll to fight monsters, and try to complete the goal before the other players, they also merge to make one giant board!

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This D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) game is a basic B***h, you are completing rooms in a dungeon to collect loot, depending on your character depends how much loot value that you need to win.

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This game is colourful and very simple, however just because it is easy to learn, it does not mean it is easy to master. You are trying to complete a stained glass window and score the most points to win.

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Lords Of Waterdeep

Another D&D game, this game looks complicated when you see it all out. However, it is straightforward and really easy to learn, you have 8 rounds to score the most VP points to win.

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Retired by Prime (no longer in print)

Play one of the Norse gods in a bid to score the most victory points, battle with the other gods to sink the land of the island but try to save your followers and sacred land to score big!

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A Game Of Thrones The Card Game

Battle it out with the other houses in the land of Westeros, make sure your house comes out on top to win the game, and take the Throne.

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Killer Bunnies (Blue Starter Deck)

Retired by CTA (no longer in print)

There are other versions of this game you can buy still which is good news! In this game you are trying to collect carrots as one of them will be the winning one, the game is very random but fun!

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Rick And Morty: Total Rickall

You and the other players are working as a team to try and kill the parasites while leaving the real people alive. It is simple butttttttt you are not allowed to tell each other what card you are playing..... This could get ugly!

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Ticket To Ride

You are trying to build the routes you were given at the start by spending carriage cards. You need to build the routes to score points, the player with the most points wins! This game is brilliant and a must-play.

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In each round a different player is the auctioneer and auctions off, primarily, factories with a unique bidding mechanism. Factories bring points and produce raw materials. Building factories themselves cost money and raw materials. But they are in short supply, so you need to manage your resources well. Linked factories and other improvements bring in extra points at the end of the game.

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Once again a great co-op game, you and the team must try to stop a global pandemic by working together and curing diseases, it is a lot harder than it sounds!

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Dreadball Deluxe

Two teams battle to win the ultimate dreadball match, use cards, and dice to determine what happens at each moment of the game.

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Pick your race, spread them out across the land, score points, kill them off and start again! This game is all about conquering fast to score points and use the bonuses wisely!

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Race For The Galaxy

There are several ways to end this game and you want to be the first to end the game with the most points. Playing your cards in the right order is important and sticking to your game plan. One of my favourite games.

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Ticket To Ride London

A smaller version of ticket to ride but this time it is set in London and you are making bus routes, there are rule changes and bonus point changes. Not quite the same but still fun.

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Blood Bowl Team Manager

Retired by Fantasy Flight (no longer in print)

Shame this game is no longer in print, it is a fantastic card management game which is also very fun!

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Star Wars X-Wing

One player takes the role of a rebel pilot and the other takes the role of the empire. Who will win in this turn-based space combat game?

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Smash Up

Pick two types of card sets and smash them together to create your deck, then you need to use the cards to capture locations and score points. This game is a lot of fun and actually strategic!

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Forbidden Island

Once again a co-op game, this time you are on a syncing island trying to get the 4 treasures and then escape. I have lost more times than I have won at this game but still enjoy it!

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Mars Attacks The Dice Game

Retired by Steve Jackson Games (no longer in print)

You are trying to take over Earth, you need to pick a city and roll to try and capture that city. That is literally the entire game.

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Brutal Kingdom

In this game you play your cards in any order you wish to try and score influence tokens and stop other players. At the end of the game, you need to work out your victory points to see if you win.

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You have no idea who you can trust but you need to work with other players to get to the gold nuggets. The player with the most gold nuggets at the end wins the game.

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Mind Trap 2

Retired by Pressman Toy (no longer in print)

Answer mind trap questions and reach the end of the game to win.

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Family Business

Retired by Mayfair (no longer in print)

Another great game retired, you and other mob members battle it out to kill each other off and take control of the city, very easy to play and a lot of fun.

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Zombie Dice

Roll dice, collect brains, avoid 3 shots and re-roll runners and that is all there is to it. I should say this game is addictive and great in a group!

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Cards Against Humanity

A party game for people who are a little bit sick and twisted, you need to fill in the blanks from the black card with white cards in your hand. Good at first but gets repetitive.

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Cards Against Humanity (Red Box)

A party game for people who are a little bit sick and twisted, you need to fill in the blanks from the black card with white cards in your hand. Good at first but gets repetitive.

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Cards Against Humanity (Blue Box)

A party game for people who are a little bit sick and twisted, you need to fill in the blanks from the black card with white cards in your hand. Good at first but gets repetitive.

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Cards Against Humanity (Green Box)

A party game for people who are a little bit sick and twisted, you need to fill in the blanks from the black card with white cards in your hand. Good at first but gets repetitive.

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Boss Monster

You take on the role of a boss monster who is trying to build the best dungeon they can, why? Well to attract and kill heroes to gain tokens and win the game.

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Gloom is not your typical card game, the idea is to make your family sad and then kill them off and at the same time creating stories based on the cards and the family. Score the most points to win the game.

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Well all know Uno, score points and win the game.

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Disturbed Friends

The card game you wish you had never played is what they claim, to be fair tried to play it once and was far too drunk to understand it. Maybe the game is that bad you wish you had never played it?

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Taco VS Burrito

This is a fun, quick and quirky little card game, the artwork is not the greatest but it works. The idea is to score the most points when the game ends!

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The Crew: Quest For Planet Nine

A trick playing game where you proceed through missions to win the game, a lot of people out there love this game, I am not one of them. It is crap, to say the least.

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Exploding Kittens

Be the last player to survive the game, keep defused cards to defuse exploding kittens and then add them back to the deck to hinder other players.

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Pirate Fluxx

Fluxx is a very interesting game to me because the rules are always changing and even the end goal. This just makes the game unique, fun and frustrating all at the same time. This is the pirate-themed version of Fluxx.

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Star Fluxx

Fluxx is a very interesting game to me because the rules are always changing and even the end goal. This just makes the game unique, fun and frustrating all at the same time. This is the space-themed version of Fluxx.

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Adventure Time Fluxx

Retired by Looney Labs (no longer in print)

Fluxx is a very interesting game to me because the rules are always changing and even the end goal. This just makes the game unique, fun and frustrating all at the same time. This is the adventure-time-themed version of Fluxx.

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Mars Attacks Ten-Minute Takedown

Retired by Steve Jackson Games (no longer in print)

Says it should take 10 minutes but never does, a dice flicking game to land on an area and conquer it, sounds fun, it is... at first then the novelty wears off and your fingers get sore from flicking.

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In scythe, each player represents a fallen leader attempting to restore their honour and lead their faction to power in eastern EUROPA.

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From Everfrost to Bellsong, many a peaceful year have passed in Everdell — but the time has come for new territories to be settled and new cities to be established. You will be the head of a group of critters intent on just such a task.

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Space Base

As the Commodore of a space base, your job is to draft new ships into your fleet to work and Patrol the 12 sectors under your watch. Use cargo vessels, mining ships, and deploy carriers to earn profits and expand your influence. Only one space base Commodore will be promoted to U.E.S. Admiral of the fleet!

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You are bird enthusiasts—researchers, bird watchers, ornithologists, and collectors—seeking to discover and attract the best birds to your network of wildlife preserves.

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War With The Evil Power Master

The Lacoonian System has lived in peace for centuries but now the Evil Power Master has returned! Can you stop him from doing his evil thing?

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Back To The Future

Prepare for a DeLorean-fueled race against time to prevent Marty McFly’s future from fading away! Players take on the roles of major characters from the blockbuster movie that launched the time traveling trilogy and helped define the 1980s.

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Tiny Towns

Prepare for a DeLorean-fueled race against time to prevent Marty McFly’s future from fading away! Players take on the roles of major characters from the blockbuster movie that launched the time traveling trilogy and helped define the 1980s.

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Escape The Dark Castle

The Game of Atmospheric Adventure Escape the Dark Castle is a simple, fantasy adventure game for 1-4 players, with a focus on atmosphere, storytelling and player cooperation– perfect for newcomers to tabletop gaming.

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Set thousands of years in the future, Dune the board game is based on the Frank Herbert novels about an arid planet at the heart of the human space empire's political machinations.

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Have you seen that flower in the garden before? Are you sure? To become a master gardener, you must prove that you can identify all blooms you see and remember where they are located, and Illusion will test those memory and recognition skills. The game lasts three rounds.

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In Hounded, players will either be the cunning fox, trying to elude capture, or the determined hunter, trying to hunt down the fox.

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Experience 30, 000 years of civilization in 45 minutes. Tribes: Dawn of Humanity is a civilization game with quick turns and fast rounds. The players lead their tribes in short, fast turns through the early history of humanity to the bronze age.

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Funkoverse: GoT

Face off in the ultimate pop. Battle in Funko new light strategy games that combine your favourite characters and go head-to-head in exciting game scenarios in the most memorable locations of your favourite licenses.

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Back To The Future: Dice Through Time

Great Scott! Biff Stole the DeLorean and went on a joyride through time, disrupting events and scattering items through space and time! Now it's up to you to help DOC and Marty repair the space-time continuum.

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Lost Ruins of Arnak

On an uninhabited island in uncharted seas, explorers have found traces of a great civilization. Now you will lead an expedition to explore the island, find lost artifacts, and face fearsome guardians, all in a quest to learn the island's secrets.

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D&D Wrath of Ashardalon

A heavy shadow falls across the land, cast by a dark spire that belches smoke and oozes fiery lava. A cave mouth leads to a maze of tunnels and chambers, and deep within this monster-infested labyrinth lurks the most terrifying creature of all: a red dragon. Who will survive the perils of Wrath of Ashardalon?

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Goonies: Never Say Die

A Classic Role Role-Playing Game Feel with 2-5 player game inspired by the timeless 1985 movie. Explore mysterious caves, underground lakes, and even One-Eyed Willie’s pirate ship or the Inferno.

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Hellboy: the board game is a fully cooperative experience for 1 to 4 players. You become a member of the Bureau for paranormal research and defence (bird), ready to investigate occult threats that threaten our very existence.

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Underwater Cities

s overcrowded metropolises spread across the earth, humanity has realized it is time to establish a new home on the ocean floor. Players direct the founding of their own underwater nations. They collect resources to build cities, a transportation network, and the facilities necessary to support life under the sea.

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Galaxy Trucker

In a galaxy far, far away... they need sewer systems, too. Corporation Incorporated builds them. Everyone knows their drivers -- the brave men and women who fear no danger and would, if the pay was good enough, even fly through Hell. Now you can join them. You will gain access to prefabricated spaceship components cleverly made from sewer pipes.

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Mansion of Madness

Mansions of Madness: Second Edition is a fully cooperative, app-driven board game of Lovecraftian horror and mystery for one to five players that takes place in the Arkham Horror Files universe. Let the immersive app guide you through the veiled streets of Innsmouth and the haunted corridors of Arkham's cursed mansions as you search for answers and respite.

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Talisman: Legendary Tales

Talisman: legendary tales takes the players on five connected adventures to retrieve the lost talismans. A clever bag-building mechanism represents the heroes’ development and is used to resolve fights and other encounters while experiencing an original story Set in the talisman universe.

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Rallyman GT

Start your Engines! Rallyman GT is a Roll and Move game with a simple yet exciting dice mechanic that invites players to push their luck and navigate the terrain as best they can. Will you take a risk and squeeze every last second out of the track, or will you play it cool and avoid spinning out on hard corners, bumps and other treacherous terrain?

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